Spaces with Phone Booths

Most spaces have a mix of open and private areas, but each space may have its own recommendations for phone call locations.

Are you looking for a change of scenery but don't want to miss any important phone calls?


We completely understand the need for workspaces with phone booth access. In general, most spaces will have a mix of open workspace areas, semi-private and private areas. However, each space may have their own recommendations regarding where to take phone calls.  


From our Spaces Page, you can search for space options with phone booths for use!

View Space with Phone Booths:

  1. Navigate to our app here.

  2. Search your desired location

  3. Filter by Amenities: 'Phone Booth'

  4. Once you arrive at a space, we recommend confirming with the onsite manager, where the best place to take phone and video calls is.

Alternative Option: Rent an OFFICE through Deskpass

OFFICE reservations allow rental of a private office by the day, week, or month. With an office, you get as much privacy for phone calls as you need!

Recommend A Space

Please note we are always looking for spaces that have amenities our users are looking for! If you know of any great spaces with phone booths, please give us a shout so we can invite them to join Deskpass.