How to Find Spaces Offering Monitors

There are a handful of spaces currently on Deskpass that offer monitors as an amenity, and you can easily sort them out using our filters.

You'll be happy to know that there are several spaces available on Deskpass that provide monitors as an amenity, and finding them is a breeze with our Amenities filters!

To View Spaces with Monitors:

  1. Navigate to our Spaces Page

  2. Search your desired location

  3. Select our Amenities filter ☕ > Click Monitors 🖥

Please Note: Although we have these filters, we always recommend reaching out to the space directly and confirming their monitor availability. Our team does our best to make sure all space listings are up to date, but it's best to check with the space to confirm.


Recommend A Space

Please note we are always looking for spaces that have amenities our users are looking for! If you know of any great spaces with monitors, please give us a shout so we can invite them to join Deskpass.