When booking a MEET or OFFICE room through Deskpass, the workspace must review their availability and approve the request. Once approved, an email notification confirming the booking will be sent.
Deskpass offers three reservations types to our users:
DESK = Full Day reservation in space's shared coworking area.
MEET = Hourly or Daily reservation for a specific conference room
OFFICE = Daily, Weekly, or Monthly reservation for a private office room
DESK reservations are automatically confirmed upon booking. However, MEET and OFFICE reservations require an additional step.
To guarantee the best possible user experience and ensure that the space has the availability to accommodate and prepare for the booking, a reservation must be made in advance.
Request for Approval
Our partner spaces reserve the right to approve or deny any reservation requests based on their availability. We ask that our space partners respond to these requests as promptly as possible to ensure Deskpass users have time to seek alternate arrangements, should the space be unable to accommodate the booking.
To encourage timeliness, Deskpass has set an Automatic Cancellation Time of 72 hours for requested reservations. If the workspace does not respond to a booking request within 72 hours, it will expire and be automatically cancelled. Rest assured no payment will be processed for a booking, until the reservation has been approved by the space.
Tip: Be careful submitting reservation requests outside of the desired space's business hours (i.e. weekends), as the space may not be able to approve before the request expires.
Book Instantly

How To View Rooms with Instant Book:
Navigate to our Spaces Page
Switch the type toggle to MEET or OFFICE
Search your desired location
Select our ⚡Book Instantly filter
Check availability at spaces Real Time!